Sunday, February 14, 2010

and more opinions on COP 15

Me handing over the AOSIS Youth Declaration over to Ambassador Lima (Vice-Chair of AOSIS)
1) What did you think about the outcome of COP 15?

There was no outcome at COP 15. The Copenhagen Accord was not acknowledged by all of the 191 countries. There was no Deal. The Copenhagen Accord is a piece of paper where 25 countries decided to write down what they think is best for the world. The accord was not negotiated—it was jammed down the throats of the rest of the world. I did not expect great things to happen at COP 15, but I really did not expect such an undemocratic, non-transparent, and unjust negotiation process to take place. Maybe it is me who was naïve in thinking that our world leaders are better than this, but I was sadly mistaken. The only good thing that happened at COP 15 was that the island nations stood up for themselves. Some say we blocked the process. The vulnerable countries were the only ones who really had anything to lose, so if we were being handed death sentences, of course we should be fighting for our survival. We did not block the process, but were left out of the process as were many other countries. The last 36 hours or so of the negotiations was a sham. How the UN could let something like that happen—I am still at a loss of understanding. This cannot be the way we decide for the world—the countries cannot be left out of the decision-making process. We need to re-prioritize. COP 15 was another trade negotiation meeting where real people were forgotten.

2) Do you think the concerns of young people were adequately addressed by decision-makers attending COP-15? Explain.

How can we even be asked this question when from the second week, the NGO’s and civil society were at first restricted, and then removed from the Bella Center and the process? How could our concerns have been adequately voiced when our futures were being decided for us, but without us? No, the decision-makers did not provide adequate space within the negotiations for young people. Ban Ki Moon even cancelled his high level session with youth, and we were not even warned, but we were waiting patiently for him. He did not show up. So no—youth were not valued at COP 15.

3) What do you hope for from COP 16?

This depends on what the agenda for COP 16 is. Will the leaders, in light of Haiti, take a stronger stand on climate change in Mexico, or will it be another trade negotiation meeting? If people like Stern keep on harping on about how it is about numbers and not people, then we will never be able to make it anything but that. The reality is that though there are real people suffering, in real countries, and they are not responsible for what is happening, nor can they alone stop it. I really do wish we could do this without the rest of the world, but we cannot. So, with some optimism, I hope that by the time we get to Mexico, the global movement against climate change has grown so much, that the leaders cannot ignore us. I hope that the global people’s movement flows out into the streets and pushes governments into action. Results will come from people acting—not from our political leaders. Most leaders have no gumption.

4) Did you enjoy yourself in Copenhagen?

In light of the results, I did not enjoy COP 15. However, I value the experience and enjoyed working with the youth movement—being at the forefront of this fight. I enjoyed learning from my colleagues at—absolutely amazing and talented people.

Monday, January 4, 2010

What The Rest of The World Thinks

I have been called many things in my life time (which really isnt a very long time), have had fantasies of being with associated with certain ideals and personas, but never in my wildest dreams thought I would ever be associated with the terror that was Hitler!

World War II is decades back in history but that is what Young Opinionated Environmentalists have been labelled as; "Nazi Youth", though we share none of the ideals so fondly propagated by his regime.

Below you can go through opinions of non mainstream media educated individuals (or so they claim is the problem) who really dont mince their words or feelings about the production of Help the World.

"What a pathetic piece of garbage. My son is being fed this enviro crap at school, and one day someone is going to sue the education system for polluting the kids brains with deception and lies.For Christ's sake,global warming is a complete pack of lies!"

"My God, what is happening to us? This video must of cost millions to produce, millions of dollars that could have gone to people suffering now in Africa from starvation due to the lack of crops or Haiti where they are starving due to global warming alarmism."

"If the debate is over then why does Richard Lindzen (and many others) disagree? Why did 3100 scientists sign a petition disputing Global Warming? Why has the earth not warmed over the last ten years? Why did the CRU cook its books? This is about politics, not science."

"This NWO scumbags really know how to deceive and scare people.
For the people those get their news only from controlled mainstream media it must be scary to watch this propaganda trash."

I put these up here to remind us (so called "Nazi Youth"), that the battle is just beginning, till we are able to break through such narrow minded opinions and demonstrate in the simplest ways fact from fiction, that Climate Change is a very real reality that millions around the world live with, day in and day out, our work is not done.

We know we are nothing like Hitler, on the contrary we hope to awaken Mankind to path of destruction that we are walking on fulled by our non content souls. So while some may think there is nothing wrong with another skyrise replacing acres of forest, flora and fauna and then take exotic vacations to places where nature is untouched to recharge their spirits; I will beg to differ.

Someone once told me, standing on the side that has majority of the people is not important, standing on the side that is right, even if it is just you, that is important!

I am lucky, that today I knowingly stand on the side of right but not alone; we may not be the majority (YET), together though we are getting the Vulnerable Islands and States and their plight the attention they so deserve.So i dont care if my videos get these hideous comments, atleast those who need to, are watching them, atleast they are being informed that there is a choice they need to and can make, even if they think its the advice is generally flawed and wrong.

So when you leave the 31st floor to your apartment and take that plane to some far away beach in some remote and exotic destination, and see the lives people are living here, dont feel sorry for us, but be ashamed of the lives you want to live and refuse to make compromises on, so that we can atleast try and avert the disaster heading our way.

CHANGE is a word we all hate, but sometimes despite reservations CHANGE is necessary. Can you imagine the world we would be leaving in if we didnt CHANGE the way in which we lived decades ago (racial marginalisation, Apartheid, Segregation, discrimination against women and the list goes on).

We overcame these challenges, we had great leaders to help us fight these battles and now we need great leaders to step up to the mantle. So help your leaders make the right choices.

Visit to understand the science in a very simple way if you dont think Climate Change is real. If you dont think mainstream media can be trusted then go through the data yourself, be objective, do the research, see the way lives have been affected in the islands and vulnerable states, then make up your mind. How much more real can we make it for you?